
How to live like a Demigod

Do these habits.

  1. Waking up at the same time everyday This starts with getting to bed every night by 10pm at the latest. Wake time does not necessarily have to be 5am, although that was the time you were rising when you were considered a Demigod.
  2. Read every night Even if it is just ten pages. Get back into this unskippable habit.
  3. Do your work Put in the hours of whatever work it is you are doing, early in the morning, good chunks of the day and then rest.
  4. Go to the gym Train more days than you dont.

Don’t do these.

  1. Drink alcohol There is no net gain to drinking. Your body feels faster and stronger without it. Look how good you looked.
  2. Smoke weed Much sharper without it and it impacts everything else you do. Turns you into a fiendish cretin.
  3. Do Drugs Pretty simple really, don’t put any poison in your body or mind.

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